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APUSH Test Resources
This page contains three sets of links. One set links to Free Respose questions from previous AP tests. The second section is a growing list of sample responses.
                                  The last section is a growing set of document resources.

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APUSH 2018 Exam Updates

In 2014, the setup ncluded the following: Part One - Old APUSH exams , Section 2 Parts A, B, and C. All three are called "Free response", however Part A prompts used to be called "Document Based Questions".   All test takers did the same Part A (formerly DBQ).  Part B was a choice between 2 essay prompts before the Civil War and the Part C is a choice between 2 essay prompts after the Civil War.
Here is an old format prompt:  2014 APUSH Test

Here is the 2015 - 17 Versions. In this case, there were four short response questions. There were 3 "sub-prompts" for each of the 4 prompts. You should use these "sub-prompts" to set up paragraphs. You may put two of the sub-prompts in one paragraph if you clearly establish close links.

Here are the 2015 APUSH FRQ Prompts

Here are the
2016 APUSH FRQ Prompts

Here are the 2017 APUSH FRQ Prompts

Please note there is only one Long Essay (old FRQ) due, there are two choices. One is pre-Civil War the other is post Civil War. When the final outline for the 2018 exam is posted around Nov. 1 I will let you know the exact short and long essay distribution.

Here are Sample Responses

This is divided into three parts. Part one contains standards, scoring guidelines and sample responses for the Short Answer portion of the test.

Part Two contains standards, scoring guidelines and sample responses for the DBQ portion of the test, followed by the standards, scoring guidelines and sample responses to two Long Essays.

If you see old tests, they did not contain the Short Answer part of the test. The DBQ was called DBQ, and the Long Essays were called FRQ. I get in the habit of using the old names, on the other hand if you are using online resources from other schools you are going to see these names for the parts of the test. So you should know all of the germane terminology for what you're working with.

Here Are Document Resources

DocsTeach - Ths is a massive source of documents from 1750 on. They are grouped by time period and subject. They have the actual documents and transcripts. Everyone needs to register, since we will be using this to find documents to analyze.

National Archives - This is the link to the National Archives. At NARA the staff is in the process of digitizing resources. If you want to find documents you can find by topic, and see if the resource is online yet.

50 Core Documents - This website  offers 50 important documents in American History

Updated 10/11/2017

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