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The Mercy High School Honor Pledge: "As a woman of Honor, I pledge that this work is my own".


1. Make up a list of the stories in the Book of Genesis in your notebook.
2. Transfer your final list to Socrative
3. Wath the videos
4. After watching the video, answer these questions:
                  a. What is the origin of writing?
                  b. What is the story about?
                  c. Which ancient culture wrote the book?

Videos - 1. Sumerian Writing         2. Animation of the Epic of Gilgamesh
5. Find informaton from two sources on the internet about the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Assessment - Write a one or two paragraph response to this prompt -

Do you see any stories that are similar to the stories in the Bible? Why do you think these stories are similar?

Updated 10/17/2017

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