High School      
Review Notes for Chapter 2 and 2

World Cultures                  AP US History 1, 2, 3          Government            Back to Main Page             Model Diplomats

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Review Notes for Ch. 2 and 3 Test – Answer in your notebook

Chapter 2

Sec. 1 –

1. What three concepts did American democracy get from the British system?

2. How did the colonies engage in self government?

3. Enlightenment thinkers, Locke, Hobbes

Sec. 2 –

4. Why did the British government tax the colonists after the French and Indian War?

5. What was the original goal of the Second Continental Congress

Sec. 3 –

6. What was the first plan for the government of the US, and what was the only branch of government included?

7. Provide one reason why the Articles failed.

<>Sec. 4 -

8.  Define the New Jersey and Virginia Plans.

9. How did the delegates compromise on slavery and representation?

Sec. 5 –

10. Who were the leaders of the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists?

11. What was the general idea of the Anti-Federalist opposition to the Constitution?

Chapter 3

Sec. 1 –

1. What are the six goals of the government, according to the Constitution?

2. Which Article and Section of the Constitution contains the powers of the Federal government?

3. In this section there are _______ clauses with __________ powers of the government.

4. The three branches of the government are the  ____________________, _________________________ and ______________________________.

5. What is meant by “checks and balances” and give one example.

6.       Sec. 2 –

6. How are amendments added to the Constitution – 2/3 of each House of Congress and then 3/4 of the states.
Also a Constitutional Convention, or origination in states, 3/4 necessary to pass. Which method has been the most common?

7. The Bill of Rights is the first ________________ amendments.

<>Sec. 3 –

Will be covered better in APUSH. Please make sure you know one concept, that due to the “expansion clause” in the Article and Section cited in question #3, the powers of the government have expanded. For instance, regulating ships expanded to cover railroads and cars. The armed forces expanded from a Navy and Army to include the Marines and an Air Force. 

1. Look at the 17 Amendments that come after the Bill of Rights (in other words Amendments 11 to 27). Should any of these Amendments have been part of the original Bill of Rights? 

2. Group the Bill of Rights into three categories: Guaranteeing the rights of all citizens; Guaranteeing the rights of someone accused of a crime; Guaranteeing the rights of a person who is convicted but not sentenced, and property rights. Explain why you put each amendment into the selected category.

Updated 10/9/2017

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