High School     
Model Organizaton of American States


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Model Organization of American States is a hemisphere wide activity that considers issues relevant to North, Central, and South America, as well as the Caribbean. mLike Model United Nations, students become delegates from specific countries considering specific current, historical or future issues.


1. November 29 - Dec. 1:  Washington DC , The 36th Annual MOAS Conference.  Registration completed.  Prepare Page
                        A. CIA Worldbook
                              B.  Guide to US History in Grenada
                              C. Grenada Foreign Policy Page     
                              D. Grenada Government Page

Committee Assignments - Click to THIS PAGE and find your Committee, go to the table and download

L. Dixon - General Committee, Head Delegate  MOAS Declaration

G. Mahan - General Committee, Topic 2 Subtopic B
                     2. Development with social inclusion  b. Strides towards reducing inequality within and among countries (Goal 10 of the Sustainable Development Goals)
L. Robinson - First Committee, Topic 2 Subtopic C
                      2. Democracy   c. Efforts to secure spaces for citizen participation and engagement as fundamental human rights
F. M. David -  First Committee Topic 1 Subtopic A, Head Delegate
                      1. Human rights protection in the Americas   A. Efforts in the areas of legislation and public policy to protect the rights of LGBTI persons in the Americas     A
K. Scott -  Second Committee, Topic  1 Subtopic A, Head Delegate
                      1.  The drug problem in the Americas      A  Strengthening criminal justice systems and communities to address drug-related offenses by juveniles

M. Oum-Ray - Second Committee, Topic 2 Subtopic C
                      2. Public Security        C  Police training on human rights and gender perspective

S. Cirincione - Third Committee  Topic 1 Subtopic C, Head Delegate
                      1. Sustainable Development       C. Efforts to improve the environmental performance of the private sector

M. Melvin - Fourth Committee  Topic 1   Subtopic A, Head Delegate
                      1.  Innovative proposals for financing OAS programs and activities        A  Strategies to increase financial contributions from Permanent Observer States and international donors to OAS programs

L. Parada - Fourth Committee,  Topic 2 Subtopic B 
                      2. Strengthening the Program-Budget of the OAS      b. Proposals on how to reduce OAS expenditure
T. Bristol - Fourth Committee, Chair       

Position Papers 1

Position Papers 2 - MUN


Model OAS Preparation

The MOAS recommends that each delegation submit a position paper—an essay detailing your country's policies on the topics being discussed in your committee. Writing a position paper will help you organize your ideas so that you can share your country's position with the rest of the committee. This must include your findings, country position and highlights on your topic. The position paper will serve as the basis for your opening speech or General Statement. After conducting extensive research, it will be easy to write a position paper (no longer than 2 pages).

Submitting your position paper one month before the Model will help the MOAS Coordination team get a feel for the direction debate will take. Writing this paper may help you organize your research and prepare your speeches.

Guidelines to write a position paper:

Position papers are usually no longer than 2 pages in length. Your position paper should include a brief introduction followed by a comprehensive breakdown of your country's position on the topics that are being discussed by the committee.  A good position paper will not only provide facts but also make proposals for resolutions.

Make sure that your position paper includes:

·         A brief introduction to your country and its history concerning the topic and committee;

·         How the issue affects your country;

·         Your country's policies with respect to the issue and your country's justification for these policies;

·         Quotes from your country's leaders about the issue;

·         Statistics to back up your country's position on the issue;

·         Actions taken by your government with regard to the issue;

·         Conventions and resolutions that your country has signed or ratified;

·         OAS actions that your country supported or opposed;

·         What your country believes should be done to address the issue;

·         What your country would like to accomplish in the committee's resolution; and

·         How the positions of other countries affect your country's position.

Position Paper Tips

Keep it simple. To communicate strongly and effectively, avoid flowery wording and stick to uncomplicated language and sentence structure.

Get organized. Give each separate idea or proposal its own paragraph. Make sure each paragraph starts with a topic sentence.

FOURTH COMMITTEE: Administrative and Budgetary Affairs

1. Innovative proposals for financing OAS programs and activities
                a. Strategies to increase financial contributions from Permanent Observer States and international donors to OAS programs
                b. Efforts to raise external funds for the Inter-American Human Rights System (the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Commission of Women)
                 c. Creative ideas for up keeping and maintaining the OAS buildings
2. Strengthening the Program-Budget of the OAS
                  a. Innovative ways to encourage Member States timely payment of quotas and measures to tackle non-payment of main contributors
                  b. Proposals on how to reduce OAS expenditure
                  c. Initiatives for establishing and implementing a new scale of quota assessment for 2018- 2020


Updated 11/8/2017

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