

Model United Nations Position Paper Guide

Mr. Marchand

This page is provided to give an outline for writing position papers.

Cover Page (optional but recommended)

1. Name of country

2. Flag,  source - http://www.photius.com/flags/alphabetic_list.html

Position Paper (1 page)

1. Name of country, relevant information. If the committee has to do with population, describe the population and whether they are rural or urban. If you're on WHO, life span and health care are important.  Helpful source:  CIA - The World Factbook 2012

2. Description of issue and previous UN responses

3. Describe how it impacts your country.

4. Describe your country's response to EACH of the Questions to Consider. GIVE EXAMPLES!!!!

5. Conclusion, state how your country will help resolve the issue.

Last Updated 10/30/2013

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