This mod is for delegates to consult when they are preparing for a "bad chair". This can also be used by chairs who want to avoid being remembered as a bad chair. This list was first developed by M. Barnes on 3/18/2015.

1. Do not negatively visibly react to the manner of a delegate speaking. Even though a chair may think someone is speaking weirdly, stupidly or in an incoherent manner, the chair should not laugh, smirk, or make a comment about the delegate.  In some cases the delegate may be doing it on purpose, this should be noted by the chair.

2. The chair should maintain parliamentary procedure. This requires effort.

3. The chair must maintain an authoratative manner while remaining kind and understanding.

4. The chair should be kind and understanding, and open to suggestions.

5. The chair should not be submissive to delegates.

6. The chair should make every effort to call on all delegates and should keep a list and call on delegates who have not spoken.

7. The chair should not accept a large number of resolutions.

8. The chair should maintain a professional attitude.

9. The chair should monitor unmoderated caucuses. 

10. The chair should address the issues sent to them on notes.

11. The chair should maintain appropriate authority.

12. The chair should not regularly suspend rules.

Last Updated 3/18/2015

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