This mod describes steps in overcoming nervousness in public speaking. It was developed by Waverly Diggs on 2/6/2017.

How to Overcome Nervousness When Speaking in Committee

❖ Accept that you’re nervous.

❖ Channel your nervousness into more energy for speaking

❖ Realize that your committee is nicer than you think

❖ Remember that they are going through the same thing you are

❖ Prepare what you are going to say beforehand

❖ Remember that you don't have to be perfect

❖ Talk as often as you can, soon you will get used to it

❖ Remember that no one is going to judge you

❖ Remember that even though you might mess up, each mistake helpsyou become a better and more confident delegate

❖ Be well prepared before the conference

Last Updated 2/6/2017

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