
Economics Vocabulary

This is a list of vocabulary for the last four weeks we have together.

Class Objectives -  

1. Develop a knowledge of the vocabulary for four themes of economics.
Basic Vocabulary

1. Goods
2. Services
3. Natural resources
4. Human resources
5. Capital resources
6. Entrepreneurship
7. Microeconomics
8. Macroeconomics
9. Profit
10. Private property
11. Consumer
12. Producers
13. Free enterprise
14. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
15. Supply and demand
16. Inflation
17. Deflation
18. Demand/ pull
17. Supply/ push

Personal Finance

1. Budget
2. Rent
3. List insurance
4. List utilities
5. Transporation costs
6. Employment costs: dress, meals
7. Retirement - Penson, 401K, 403C

Chain of Production

1. Resource extraction
2. Manufacture/ assembly
3. Wholesale
4. Retail
5. Regulation, state and federal
(Groups will design a product and establish how the product will be marketed)


1. Salary
2. Hourly pay
                         (Job search, Craig's List)
3. Commission
4. Ownership income, real estate and rental
5. Ownership income, LLC
                        (groups will design corporations for the  assessment for this,)


1. Bonds, government and corporate
2. Stocks
3. Online trading, money, stock futures, bond futures
                      (we will do a role play simulaton for the assessment for this)


1. Currency
2. Checks
3. Loans
4. Interest rates
5. Prime interest rates
6. Federal reserve
7. Electronic transfers


1. Credt card
2. Secured property, mortgage
3. Unsecured property
4. Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Real Estate

1.  Search for home
2. Pre-Approval
3. Offers and ratified contracts
4. Inspections and appraisals
5. Settlement
6. Selling a home, preparation and marketing
7. Showings and open houses
8. Negotiating an offer, making counteroffers
9. Ratification
10. Inspections and appraisals
11. Short sales and foreclosures

Last Updated 5/9/2017

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