
U. S. Government

2nd Semester 2016 -2017 School Year
  D Frame Syllabus

No Class C Days

Mr. Marchand

Welcome to United States Government for the 2016 - 2017 year. This syllabus will provide two tools for students (and parents). First, it will be a daily guide to the sequence of class, readings, and assignments.  Second, at the end of the semester it will provide a guide to studying for the exam. It will be updated weekly. If the sequence doesn't look correct to you or is out of date, your browser may be loading a stored page rather than the current page. Check the date at the bottom of the page to make sure you're up to date.

Course Objectives -  

1. Define and apply vocabulary
2. Develop a plan for research
3. Work in groups to develop common goals
4. Develop writing skills
5. Develop and implement study plans
. Process and respond to various assessment tools

Third Quarter Objectives: Aligned with National Council on the Social Studies standards (designated by the Roman numeral and letter following each objective) At the end of this quarter, the students should be able to:

1. Students will identify the elected federal officials they would be able to vote for (President, Senate, House)
2. Students will identify the elected state officials they would be able to vote for (Governor, 1 state Senator, 3 Delegates)
3. Students will identify the elected county officials they would be able to vote for (County Executive, County Council members)
4. Students will identify the elected local officials they would be able to vote for (Mayor, city or town council)

Section 1 -
1. Describe the president's many roles
2. Understand the formal qualifcatons necessary to become president
3. Explain how the president's role and powers have changed over time
4. Describe the president's pay  and benefits
Section 2 -
1.  Explain  how the Constitution provides for succession
2. Understand the cconstitutional provisions for presidential disability
3. Describe the role of vice president
Section 3 -
1. Explain the framer's original plan for electing the president
2. Understand how the rise of political parties changed the process of selecting the president
Section 4 -
1.  Describe the role of conventions in selecting the president
2.  Evaluate the importanct of primaries in selecting candidates
3.  Understand the convention - caucus process
4.  Outline the  events that take place during a national convention
5. Examine the characteristics that determine who is nominated as a presidential candidate

Chapter 14

Section 1 -
1. Explain why Article I of the Constitution can be described as "an outline"
2. List several reasons for the growth of presidential power
3. Explain how president's own views have affected the power of the office
Section 2 -
1. Identify the source of the president's power to execute federal law
2. Define ordinance power and explain where it comes from
3. Explain how the appointing poer works
4. Summarize the historical debate over the removal power
Section 3 -
1. Explain how treaties are made and approved
2. Explain why and how executive agreements are made
3. Summarize the power of recogntion
4. Describe the powers that the president has in the role of commander in chief
Section 4 -
1. Describe the president's two major legislative powers
2. Explain how the president's powers are part of the system of checks and balances
3. Describe the president's major judicial powers

Chapter 15

Section 1 -
1. Define a bureaucracy
2. Identify the major elements of the federal bureaucracy
3. Explain how groups within the federal bureaucracy are named
4. Describe the difference between a staff agency and a line agency
Section 2 -
1. Decribe the executive office of the president
2. Explain the duties of the White House office, the National Security Council, the Office of Management and Budget
3. Identify additional agencies in the executive office
Section 3 -
1. Describe the origin and work of the executive departments
2. Explain how the members of the cabinet are chosen
3. Identify the role of the cabinet in the president's decisions
Section 4 -
1. Explain why Congress created executive agencies
2. Identify the characteristics of independent executive agencies and executive regulatory commissions
3. Describe the Structure of  government corporations
Section 5 -
1. Describe the development of the civil service
2. Identify the characteristics of the civil service as it exists today
3. Analyze the restrictions on the political activities of members of the civil service

Chapter 16

Section 1 -
1. Explain how and why the Constitution gives the power to tax
2. Describe the sources of federal income taxes
3. Summarize why the government imposes taxes for non-revenue sources
Section 2 -
1. List the nontax sources of government revenues
2. Describe federal borrowing
3. Define the terms budget deficit and national debt
4. Analyze the causes and effects of public debt
Section 3 -
1. Identify the key areas of government spending
2. Explain how the president and Congress work together to create the budget

Chapter 17

Section 1 -
1. Explain the difference between isolationism and internationalism
2. Define foreign policy
3.  Understand that a nation's foriegn policy is composed of many foriegn policies
4. Describe the functions and components of the State department
Section 2 -
1. Summarize the functions, components and organization of the Department of Defense
2. Explain how the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the National Security Advisor work together
Section 3 -
1. Summarize the USA's foriegn policy before World War I
2. Show how the two World Wars changed America's traditional foriegn policy
3. Define "collective security" and "deterrence" and explain how they fit together
4. Describe American foriegn policy since the end of the Cold War in 1991
Secton 4 -
1. Define the two types of foreign aid and explain how they are related to foriegn policy
2. Describe the major foriegn policy alliances of the United States
3. Explain the role and structure of the United Nations and the problems in addresses

Chapter 18

Section 1 -

Chapter 19

Section 1 -

Fourth Quarter Objectives for Economics: At the end of this quarter, the students should be able to:

Chapter 1

Chapter 8


Schedule - Week One

1/23 - A Day; Work on History Day and Lobbying projects

1/24 - B Day; Work on History Day and Lobbying projects
Link to Pearson Chapter Resources
Link to Newsela
Link to Daily Tracking Polls
Find Your Maryland Delegates and State Senator

1/25 - C Day;
Ch. 13 Sec. 1 -  The President's Job Description
Warm Up - Prior knowledge, current events
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 13 Sec. 1
Homework - Pg. 368 1, 2

1/26 - D Day; No class

1/27 - E Day; Ch. 13 Sec. 2 - Presidential Succession and the Vice Presidency
Warm Up - Prior knowledge, current events
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 13 Sec. 2
Homework - Pg. 373 1, 2
Week Two

1/30 - F Day; Ch. 13 Sec. 3 & 4 - Framers Plan, Nominations
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 13 (skim) Sec. 3
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 13 Sec. 4
Homework - Pg. 376 3, Pg. 385 2

1/31 - G Day;  Helping rehearse "Ripple Effect" dance performance for assembly 2/1

2/1 - A Day;
Ch. 13 Sec. 5 - Elections
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion -  Elections
Lobbying Project
Lobbying Report
Homework - Pg. 394 2, 4

2/2 - B Day;
Ch. 13 Quiz
Activity - Quiz
Homework - Journal assignment

2/3 - C Day;  Ch. 14 Sec. 1 - The Growth of Presidential Power
Warm Up - Prior knowledge, current events
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 14 Sec. 1
Homework - Pg. 403 3, 4

Week Three

2/6 - D Day; No class

2/7 - E Day; 
Ch. 14 Sec. 2 - Exectutive Powers
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 14 Sec. 2
Homework - Pg. 407 3, 4

2/8 - F Day;
Ch. 14 Sec. 3 - Diplomatic and Military Powers
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 14 Sec. 3
Homework - Pg 416 3, 4

2/9 - G Day; Mr. Marchand at JHUMUNC XX
Activity - Complete History Day projects
Activity - Make up homework

2/10 - A Day; Mr. Marchand at JHUMUNC XX
Activity - Complete History Day projects
Activity - Make up homework

Week Four
2/13 - B Day; Ch. 14 Sec. 4
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 14 Sec. 4
Activity - Submit History Day projects
Homework - Pg. 420 4

2/14 - C Day; 
Ch. 14 quiz
Activity - Ch. 14 quiz

2/15 - D Day; No class

2/16 - E  Day; Ch. 15 Sec. 1 The Federal Bureaucracy
Warm Up - Prior knowledge
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 15 Sec. 1
Homework - Pg. 430 2, 4

2/17 - F Day; Ch. 15 Sec. 2 Executive Office of the President
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 15 Sec. 2
Homework - Pg. 434 3

Week Five
2/20 -  President's Day

2/21 - G Day; Ch. 15 Sec. 3 & 4 The Cabinet Departments & Independent Agencies
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 15  Sec. 3 & 4
Homework - Pg. 440 3, Pg. 449 4

2/22 - A Day; Ch. 15 Posters

Activity - Posters of  Executive Agencies

2/23 - B Day;
Ch. 15 Posters
Activity - Posters of  Executive Agencies

2/24 - C Day; Complete posters
Activity - Complete posters
Activiy - Review posters
Week Six

2/27 - D Day; No class

2/28 - E Day;
Ch. 15 Quiz
Activity - Ch. 15 Quiz

3/1 - F Day; Vocabulary notes for Ch. 16 Government Text and Economics Ch. 27, 28
Activity - Vocabulary
Homework - Study vocabulary

3/2 - G Day; Ch. 16  Sec. 1 Taxes and Other Revenue
Warm Up - Prior knowledge
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 16 Sec. 1
Activity - Tax charts
Homework - Pg. 462 2, 3

3/3 - A Day; Ch. 16 Sec. 2, 3 Borrowing and Public Debt, Spending and the Budget
Warm Up - Review homework, State of the Union
Lecture Discussion - Ch. 16 2, 3
Characters for Ch. 17 Role Play
Homework - Pg. 466 2, 3 Pg. 471 2, 4

Week Seven

3/6 - B Day; Ch. 16 Sec. 4 Sec. 4 Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 16 Sec. 4
Activity - Economics vocabulary list
Homework - Pg. 476  2, 3

3/7 - C Day; Ch. 16 Quiz
Activity - Ch. 16 quiz

3/7 - C Day; Ch. 16 Quiz
Activity - Ch. 16 quiz
Activity - Pick Roles for Simulation

3/8 - D Day; No class

3/9 - E Day; Ch. 17 Sec. 1, Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy
Warm Up - Prior Knowledge
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 17 Sec. 1 Definitions
Homework -  Pg. 487, 3

3/10 - F Day; Ch. 17 Sec. 2, National Security and Diplomacy
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 17 Sec. 2  Current events
Homework - Pg. 494 2, 5

Week Eight

3/13 - G Day; Ch. 17 Sec. 3, 4, American Foriegn Policy, Foriegn Aid and Alliances
Warm Up - Review homework
Lecture/ Discussion - Ch. 17, Sec. 3, 4 Definitions
Link to Role Play Information
Homework - Pg. 503, 3, 4: 512 3, 4

3/14 - A Day; Snow Day

3/15 - B Day;
Snow Day

3/16 - C Day; 
Prepare for Role play
Trump Cabinet Background Guide

3/17 - No school

3/17 - 19 - Antigone  St. Maxmillian Kolbe: "Hearts together in friendship are never parted"

Week Nine

3/20 - D Day; Role Play Prep
Activity - Role Play Prep

3/21 - E Day; Role Play
Activity - Role Play

3/22 - F Day; Complete role play



3/23 - G Day; Students on field trip

3/24 - A Day; Students on field trip
Week One

3/27 - B Day;
Prepare for test
Activity - Essay assigned
Homework - Complete Ch. 17

3/28 - C Day; Complete Ch. 17 Work
Activity - Test Essay

3/29 - D Day; No class

3/30 - E Day; Test Essay
Activity - Write essay

3/31 - Year Day

Week Two

4/3 - F Day; Unit Test

4 - G Day: Judiciary Role Play
Activity - Definition worksheets

4/5 - A Day: Judiciary Role Play

Activity - Difference between Original and Appellate Jurisdiction

4/6 - B Day; Court cases
Activity - Work on court cases

4/7 - C Day: No class

Week Three

4/10 - D Day:  No class

4/11 - E Day: Makeup work

4/12 - Walk for Hope

Spring Break April 13 to Aprl 23

Week Four

4/24 - F Day: Maryland and Federal Court posters
Activity - Develop court posters
Activity - Examine Court Cases

4/25 - G Day; 
Maryland and Federal Court posters
Activity - Develop court posters
Activity - Examine Court Cases

4/26 - A Day;
Maryland and Federal Court posters
Activity - Develop court posters
Activity - Examine Court Cases

4/27 - B Day; Assessment; Court case simulation
Examine Court Cases

4/28 - C Day;
Court case simulation
Activity - Correct and finish posters

Week Five

5/1 - D Day; No class

5/2 - E Day;
Complete course case simulation
Activity - Correct and finish posters

5/3 - F Day;
Activity - Round robin assessment
Prepare for Unit Test

5/4 - G Day;
Judiciary Unit Test
Activity - Judiciary Unit Test

5/5 - No School
Week Six

5/8 - B Day; Economics
Activity -
Vocabulary Definitions

5/9 - C Day; Economics
Activity - Vocabulary Definitions

5/10 - D Day; No class

5/11 - E Day; Economics, Personal Finance
Activity - Formulate Budget, Budget List

5/12 - F Day; Discussion of Netflix series

Week Seven

5/15 - G Day; Personal Finance
Activity - Adjust budget, cruel reality

5/16 - A Day; Employment
Lecture/ Discussion - Complete budget
Homework - Reconcile salary/ hourly wage with budget

5/17 - B Day; Stock market simulation
Activity - Definitions
Activity - Design product or store

5/18 - C Day;
Stock Market Simulation
Activity - Devlop financing plan

5/19 - D Day; No class

Week Eight

5/22 - E Day; Stock Market Simulation
Activity - Develop sales presentation
Activity - Present products to investors
Activity - Investors develop portfolios

5/23 - F Day; Stock Market Simulation
Activity - 3 Days on the stock market

5/24 - G Day; Stock Market Simulation
Activity - 3 Days on the stock market
Activity -  Assessment assignment

5/25 - A Day; Stock Market Simulation
Activity - Complete stock market assesssment
Activiy - Make up missing work

5/26 - Graduation!

Week Nine

5/29 - B Day; Stock Market Simulation
Activity - Complete stock market assesssment
Activiy - Make up missing work

5/31 - C Day;
Exam Review
Activity - Exam Essay Prompts

6/1 - 
D Day; No class

6/2 - E Day: Exam Review
Activity - Exam Essay Prompts

Thank you for this year and please study!

Last Updated 5/31/2017

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