
International Studies

International Studies is a capstone class for experienced delegates who have participated in Model United Nations. The class will develop as a multi-semester option, with student/ delegates taking the class as "IS 1",  "IS 2" etc.

Course Objectives -  

1. Work in groups to develop common goals
2. Develop writing skills in position papers
3. Develop parliamentary procedure skills
. Process and respond to various current events as they develop
5. Develop scenarios for future events
6. Develop alternative scenarios to past events
7. Learn the history of the United Nations
8. Learn the structure of the United Nations and use the structure to support the other course objectives

Third Quarter Objectives: Aligned with United Nations standards (designated by United Nations Association of the USA) At the end of this quarter, the students should be able to:

9.  Describe selected nation's political system
10. Summarize selected nation's position on assigned issues
11. Define issues needed for an effective opening statement
12. Familiarize parliamentary procedure
13. Develop skills necessary for an unmoderated caucus
14. Discuss current issues relevant to conferences
15. Compare nation's foreign policy to form effective blocs
16. Evaluate delegates position papers
17. Use observation of delegates to develop effective position papers
18. Attend at least one Model UN conference
19. Begin work on skills necessary for chair and deputy chair
20. Begin developing written guidelines for chairs
21. Familiarize issues necessary for chairs and crisis chairs ("Uber-Chairs") 

Fourth Quarter Objectives: Aligned with United Nations standards (designated by United Natons Association of the USA) At the end of this quarter, the students should be able to:

22. Work  on Position Papers
23. Practice General Assembly Committee session
23. Practice parliamentary procedure
24. Chair objective - familiarize with parliamentary rules
25. Chair objective - instruction of delegates
26. Delegate objective - parliamentary procedure in debate
27. Practce do's and don'ts
28. Develop notes and working papers
29. Practice moderated caucus skills
30. Develop model committee guidelines
31. Design Crisis Committee scenarios
32. Practice crisis responses
33. Design two way crisis situations
34. Develop guidelines for position papers
35. Assess guidelines for position papers
36. Finalize effective position paper criteria
37. Develop checklist for conference preparation
38. Practice chair with general pool of delegates
39. Assess conference results
40. Evaluate course and propose adjustments

Curriculum Guides



NGO Resources

Model UN Resources -

Globalization of Resources

Human Rights

Sustainability of Resources

Model UN Participation

Schedule - Week One

1/23 - A Day;  Introduction
Activity - Review of UN Organs and Agencies

1/24 - B Day; Chair Practice
Activity - Complete review of UN Organs and Agencies
Activity - Chair procedures for Saturday training conference

1/25 - C Day; Chair practice
Activity - Continue chair practice

1/26 - D Day; Internet resources
Activity - Cuban Missile Crisis Moderated Caucus at UN Security Council 1962
Activity - Best Delegate Website

1/27 - E Day; Review training chairs
Activity - Training middloe school delegates for caucuses

Week Two

1/30 - F Day; Begin work on modules (training chair standards)
Activity - Modules Page
Activity - JHUMUNC training

1/31 - G Day; Develop modules
Activity - Work on modules
Activity - BAMUNC development

2/1 - A Day;
No class, The Ripple Effect Assembly

2/2 - B Day; Work on modules
Activity - Work on modules
Activity - BAMUNC development

2/3 - C Day;
Submit modules
Activity - Upload new modules
Activity - BAMUNC development

Week Three

2/6 - D Day; JHUMUNC prep
Activity - Sarah discusses experience in Crisis Committee
Activity - Speaking strategies
Activity - Forming blocs

2/7 - E Day; JHUMUNC prep
Activity - Rehearse opening speech
Activity - Unmoderated caucus strategy

2/8 - F Day; JHUMUNC prep
Activity - Bad delegate/ chair strategies
Activity - Questoning during moderated caucuses

2/9 - G Day; JHUMUNC prep

2/10 - A Day; No class, JHUMUNC

Week Four

2/13 - B Day; Catch up day

2/14 - C Day; No class

2/15 - D Day; JHUMUNC decompression
Activity - Good points, bad points about JHUMUNC
Activity - Begin Bucket List for BAMUNC III

2/16 - E Day; Position Paper workshop
Activity - Define and describe NGO's,  Amnesty International

2/17 - F Day; Position Paper workshop
Activity - Develop NGO mods, use List of NGO's
Homework - Group NGO's of interest, for instance "Women's Issues", "Women's Rights", "Refugee Support", "Educational Rights" etc.

Week Five

2/20  -  President's Day

2/21 - G Day; Position paper workshop
Activity - Put together Mods
Activity - Finding country resources
Resource - Delegate Country Resources

2/22 - A Day; Position paper workshop
Activity - Finding treaties and alliances

2/23 - B Day; No class, afternoon assembly schedule

2/24 - C Day;
Work on Honors Government crisis committees
Activity - Cast and time period: Trump admn., current time perod
Activity - Issues: the wall, immigratiion
Activity - Format: JCC

Week Six

2/27 - D Day; BAMUNC update
Activity - Follow up BAMUNC
Activity - Position Paper body, treaty and NGO's
Activity - Use websites to develop models:  Best Delegate Guide, NMUN New York Position Paper Guides, Sample Position Paper - Best Delegate, AMUN Position Paper Guide
BATMUNC Registration Page

2/28 - E Day; Position paper workshop
Activity - Putting it together, persuasive conclusion

3/1 - F Day;  Honors Government JCC's
Activity - Choose topics

3/2 - G Day; Postion Papers
Activity - Develop body

3/3 - A Day; Position Papers
Activity - Add NGO and Treaty components

Week Seven

3/6 - B Day; JCC Intro and Background Guides
Activity - Training topics for simulaton: Chocolate Vs. Vanilla, Earbuds Vs. Headphones
Activity  - Work on background guides: Both Topics - NY Times
Topic 1 - The Wall: Challenges, Cost of the Wall, Mexico Pay for Wall?
Topic 2: Immigration: Annotated Immigration Order, Opposition from Business, Orders Explained

3/7 - C Day; Background Guides
Activity - Begin invtation letter, lists of students attending
Activity - Complete Background Guides

3/8  - D Day;  No class

3/9 - E Day;  Background guides for Trump Admin. Simulaton
Activity - Outline background guides
Activity - Position Papers

3/10 - F Day; Finalize background guides
Activity - Finalize background guides
Activity - Crisis situations

Week Eight

3/13 - G Day; Crisis situations for Role Play

3/14 - A Day; Snow Day

3/15 - B Day;
Snow Day

3/16 - C Day; Crisis situations for role play
Activity - Brainstorm crises for role play
Activity - Complete background guides

3/17 - No School
Week Nine

3/20 - D Day; Position Papers Topics: GA, ECOSOC, Crisis
Activity - Model Position Papers, first paragraph: Country background and issue

3/21 - E Day; Position Papers
Activity - Model Position Papers, second paragraph: Treaties and NGOs related to issue

3/22 - F Day; Prepare for Government class simulation




3/23 - G Day;  Music Field Trip

3/24 - A Day; Music Field Trip
Week Two

3/27 - B Day; Practice chair for Government class simulation
Activity - Practice chair

3/28 - C Day; Coordinate crisis situations
Acticvity - Discuss and plan crisis situations

3/29 - D Day; Finish planning for Trump simulation

3/30 - E Day; BATMUNC preparation

3/31 - Year Day

Week Three

4/3 - F Day;  Recover from BAMUNC II
Activity - Assess conference
Activity - Written recommendations for next year

4/4 - G Day; Research for BATMUNC
Activity - Committees for BIMUNC

4/5 - A Day;  No class

4/6 - B Day; Schedule for BIMUNC posted
Activity - Research topics for BIMUNC

4/7 - C Day; 

Week Four

4/10 - D Day;

4/11 - E Day;   

4/12 - Walk for Hope

Spring Break April 13 to Aprl 23

Week Four

4/24 - F Day: Planning for rest of quarter

4/25 - G Day; Put together awards for History Day assembly

4/26 - A Day; No class

4/27 - B Day; Start position papers for BIMUNC
Activity - Print out and work with background guides

4/28 - C Day; Continue position papers
Activity - Work with background guides
Activity - Website for BIMUNC Background Guides

Week Five

5/1 - D Day: Complete rough drafts of position papers
Activity - Begin planning morning session for BATMUNC
Activity - Website for Committee Assignments for BIMUNC

5/2 - E Day; BATMUNC and BIMUNC work
Activity - BATMUNC - Outline of Three Workshops
Activity - BIMUNC Position papers

5/3 - F Day; Complete position papers
Activity - BATMUNC Module 1; Position papers
Activity - BATMUNC Module 2; Parliamentary Procedure or Forming Blocs

5/4 - G Day; Where are the Seniors??????
Activity - Brainstorming needs for new MUN program

5/5 -
No School
Week Six

5/8 - B Day: No class, Honor Society Assembly

5/9 - C Day; Begin work with new MUN Education Website
Activity - Work on worksheets
Activity - Using MUN Education website to develop plans

5/10 - D Day; Finish Worksheets
Activity - COmplete worksheets, upload results

5/11 - E Day; Planning for Next Year
Activity - Identify possible settings for new schools: established programs, developmental programs, new programs
Activity - Use
MUN Education to develop goals and objectives

5/12 - F Day; Prep for BIMUNC
Activity - Prep for BIMUNC

Saturday, 5/13 - BIMUNC 41, Seton Keough's last MUN

Week Seven

5/15 - G Day: Worksheets with BATMUNC activities
Activity - Worksheets to develop plans

Class Resources

Resources For Position Papers

Position Paper Guide

How To Write A Position Paper

Other International Organizations Associated With The UN

These sites cover all the international organizations that involve diplomatic contact between countries.

UNA USA Delegate Guide

Resources For Resolutions

UN Website - Writing Resolutions

Preparing a Resolution

Resolution Writing Guide  

Other Model UN On Line Resources

Model United Nations: Prepare - UN Cyberschoolbus
BestDelegate - Resources for Model UN
CIA - The World Factbook 2012
PBS Model UN Practice Session 
Country Reports, for Countries Around the World!

Country Studies-home

Google Search: model un

Model UN Research

Nation by Nation Almanac

Portals to the World from the Library of Congress

United Nations Association of the United States of America

United Nations Cyberschoolbus

Virtualsources.com - Country information and resources

Welcome to the Official Web Site Locator for the UN System of Organizations

Welcome to the UN. It's your world.

West Genesee Model United Nations
Glenelg HS Model UN

Source: Glenelg HS Model UN

Here is a worldwide schedule of Model United Nations
Schedule of All High School Model UN's

Here are links to other Model UN organizations:
Other Model UN's

Last Updated 5/8/2017

Model UN Page

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